Sauces & Rubs

Completely Keto Pistachio Pesto

In the sprawling, vibrant markets of a city where cultures converge, an innovative chef named Sofia stumbled upon a stall adorned with bountiful bags of pistachios. Inspired by the nut’s rich hue and robust flavor, she envisioned a culinary creation that would blend tradition with her keto lifestyle: Completely Keto Pistachio Pesto.

Back in her kitchen, a sanctuary of culinary creativity, Sofia embarked on crafting her pesto. She combined the pistachios with fresh, aromatic cilantro leaves, adding a splash of lemon juice for brightness, garlic for depth, and a generous pour of Extra Virgin Olive Oil, binding everything together with a touch of Pink Himalayan Salt.

The result was a vibrant, green elixir that promised to revolutionize the way pesto was enjoyed on a keto diet. Sofia served her Pistachio Pesto over zucchini noodles, transforming the humble vegetable into a gourmet delight, and alongside grilled chicken, where the pesto’s unique flavors were a revelation.

But the uniqueness of Sofia’s Completely Keto Pistachio Pesto wasn’t just in its taste or its pairing with dishes. As word of her creation spread, it brought together a community of food lovers, eager to explore keto cuisine beyond its limits. Sofia’s kitchen became a hub of innovation, where every meal was a celebration of flavors and healthful eating.

The true magic, however, unfolded when Sofia hosted a dinner for fellow chefs and food critics. The Pistachio Pesto, once a simple experiment, became the centerpiece of a movement towards inventive, keto-friendly cuisine. The evening ended not with dessert, but with plans to collaborate on a cookbook, a compilation of recipes that would blend tradition with modern dietary needs.

Sofia’s Completely Keto Pistachio Pesto was more than a recipe; it was the seed of a culinary revolution, proving that with a handful of pistachios and a dash of creativity, one could indeed change the world, one pesto at a time.

Completely Keto Pistachio Pesto

Course: Sauces & Rubs
Cuisine: French
Keyword: keto pistachio pesto, pistachio pesto
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Servings: 8 people


  • 16 oz plain pistachios
  • 32 oz cilantro leaves
  • 2 Tbsp lemon juice
  • 2 garlic clove
  • 1 1/2 tsp Pink Himalayan Salt
  • 8 oz Extra virgin olive oil


  1. Toast the pistachios for 5-7 minutes on 400 degrees.

  2. Add into food processor with all the rest of the ingredients and blend until smooth.

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