
Completely Keto Homemade Smoked Salmon

On a lazy Sunday morning, as sunlight streamed through the kitchen window, a group of friends gathered for a leisurely brunch. Among them was a passionate home cook, eager to share a culinary creation that would tantalize their taste buds and elevate the meal to new heights.

With a gleam of excitement in their eyes, the home cook unveiled their latest masterpiece: Completely Keto Homemade Smoked Salmon. Inspired by the rich flavors of the sea and the fragrant aromas of fresh herbs, this delectable dish promised to be a highlight of the morning’s feast.

As the friends watched with anticipation, the home cook expertly prepared the salmon, coating it with a perfect blend of Pink Himalayan Salt, swerve, and aromatic dill. With each sprinkle of lemon juice and crushed black peppercorn, the flavors mingled and melded, creating a tantalizing symphony of taste.

As the homemade smoked salmon emerged from the smoker, its rich, smoky aroma filled the air, tempting the senses and whetting appetites. With eager anticipation, the friends gathered around the table, eager to savor each succulent bite of this culinary delight.

Amidst laughter and lively conversation, the Completely Keto Homemade Smoked Salmon took center stage, proving to be the perfect accompaniment to the brunch spread. With each forkful, the friends marveled at the delicate texture and bold flavors, savoring the moment and the camaraderie that accompanied it.

And so, on that sunny Sunday morning, amidst good food and even better company, the legend of Completely Keto Homemade Smoked Salmon was born, destined to become a cherished favorite for many brunches to come.

Completely Keto Homemade Smoked Salmon

Course: Main Course
Cuisine: American
Keyword: homemade smoked salmon, keto homemade smoked salmon


  • 12 oz salmon fillet boned and skinned
  • 1/2 cup swerve
  • 1 cup Pink Himalayan Salt
  • 1 cup fresh dill
  • 1 juice of lemon
  • 3 Tbsp black peppercorn


  1. The idea is to cover the fish in salt and the swerve. This is done by first covering a platter or dish or a piece of plastic wrap in half of the salt and swerve then placing the fish on top of it. Then you put the other half of the salt and sugar on top of the fish with the dill, peppercorn and lemon.

  2. Wrap the dish totally in plastic wrap or just wrap the plastic wrap piece up totally and put something that will press down on the fish on top. Leave it in the fridge for a minimum of 2 days and a maximum of 4.

  3. Serve by washing off all the salt and sugar from the fish and top again with dill.

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