Completely Keto Brooklyn Vanilla Egg Cream

Once upon a time, in the bustling borough of Brooklyn, New York, there existed a humble soda fountain that would forever change the course of beverage history. It was here, amidst the vibrant streets and bustling neighborhoods, that the iconic Brooklyn Vanilla Egg Cream was born.
Legend has it that in the early 1900s, a clever soda jerk named Louis Auster sought to create a refreshing and indulgent beverage that would capture the hearts of his customers. Drawing inspiration from the classic egg creams popular in Jewish delicatessens, Louis set out to put his own unique twist on the beloved drink.
Using a blend of Completely Keto Vanilla Simple Syrup, seltzer water, and a generous splash of heavy cream, Louis crafted a velvety-smooth concoction that was both rich and refreshing—a true taste of Brooklyn in a glass.
As word of Louis’s creation spread throughout the neighborhood, the Brooklyn Vanilla Egg Cream quickly became a beloved staple among locals and visitors alike. It became synonymous with summer afternoons spent strolling through the streets of Brooklyn, a sweet indulgence to be enjoyed on hot days and cherished memories to be shared with friends and family.
Today, the tradition of the Brooklyn Vanilla Egg Cream lives on, celebrated by soda enthusiasts and Brooklynites alike as a cherished piece of local history. And as each sip of this delightful beverage transports them back to a bygone era, they can’t help but smile at the rich tapestry of stories and experiences that have shaped its legacy.
- 1/2 cup Completely Keto Vanilla Simple Syrup
- 2 cup seltzer
- 1/2 cup heavy cream
In 2 large glasses, split the vanilla and half n half. Split the club soda into each cup and while pouring stir to make the drink bubble up.
Recipe Notes
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